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The InALMH proposal is the crowning moment of the overall strategy as we enter the second phase which is based to another two poles plan that includes Policies and Practices.


The above overview on existing policies at EU level shows that we do need a clear policy specifically focused in the utilisation of PE within the overall context of Mental Health including prevention, therapy, rehabilitation and addressing stigma.


At the same time Policies need concrete tools in order to be implemented; these tools are no other than the Practices created to achieve the policy goals.

As Policy is considered the general framework that guides, permits and enhance the actual application of the respective therapeutic values into the related field.  Practices at the other hand combine the applied science, the gained experience and the innovations developed within the above general framework.


The InALMH project addresses both above-mentioned goals; that is finally why it is also developed in two pillars:


  1. The Policy pillar aims to provide a corpus of integrated and updated Recommendations for EU Guidelines on the Physical Exercise exclusively focused on Mental Health.​

    • European Union at large is divided in 5 zones (W,E,S,N and Central). The partnering members are appointed for data collection according to their origin and specialty.

    • Drafting the recommendations following an established plan that takes into consideration policy sectors, geographical and demographic characteristics, mental health determinants etc

    • Internal and public consultation before presenting the final outcome to the European. Commission for further use according its unique and irreplaceable institutional authority.

  2. The Practices pillar provides a state-of-the-art approach on the field of applied policies. It includes both the structured compilation of the existing practices and the enhancement of the development of new ones with the use of advanced technological tools that constitute an Interactive Platform (IT).


The Interactive Platform (IP) is a digital tool to collect at first in a structured way Sport and Physical Activity practices and their implementation evidence in Mental Health units. We aim thus on a bottom up approach as the respective material will be at the disposal of the European Commission and its Agencies and services together with the MS public authorities, Sport, PE and MH professionals, MH hospitals and units, research and educational institutions, MH services users and families and the general population also.


The IP aims to work as a Digital Library and also as an Online Forum for discussion among competent authorities, organisations and professionals on the implementation of structured practices and development of new Sport practices, enhancing thus the networking among the stakeholders.


But within the overall concept not only static functions are foreseen. An innovative dynamic technological application, the Consultative Inventory of PE practices for MH will be developed in order to enhance the creation of new sport and physical exercise practices for Mental Health.

















InALMH is a 18 month project starting from January 2020 implemented by a partnership of 12 partners from 8 European Countries (Belgium, France, Greece, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Italy, Denmark and Portugal) . The project actually has a quite global dimension as much more than 200 stakeholders are indirectly involved, as members of the 5 of the partners which are umbrella organisations.









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ENALMH is seated in Brussels, Belgium, operates under the A.I.S.B.L. status (Not for profit International Association) and is governed by Title III of the Belgian Law of 27 June 1921 Email:  / Tel: +30-2125443254  / Fax: +30-2125443255




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