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List of Policies for physical activity across the European Union Member States

A Global Report regarding List of Policies for physical activity across the 28 European member states (including the United Kingdom) can be found in the attached PDF.

Recommendations on EU Guidelines for the use of Physical Activity on Mental Health

The aim of this document is to identify and present state-of-the-art evidence concerning Physical Activity and Mental Health.


What is included in this Document:

This Document includes state-of-the-art evidence regarding the role of Physical Activity in Mental Health across various mental health disorders and through various deliver formats of physical activity.


How we created this Document:

All partners of this project have contributed to the development of this document by providing the most recent evidence (after the year 2008) and comments on the structure and final structure and delivery of this document.

Practices Collection

The aim of this document is to identify practices at European level that combine two vectors: physical activity and mental health.


What is included in the document?

Starting from a general literature research of the best practices and entities in the European Union regarding sport, physical exercise and mental health, this document includes several kinds of practices (therapeutic schemes, campaigns, educational programmes, and studies) that are being carried out in different countries. search was conducted which covered the whole Europe. A functional approach has been developed towards this goal. Thus, the European Union has been divided in five coherent geographic areas: North, South, West, East and Central. Besides other characteristics, this was one of the criteria to build the partnership as there are partner organizations of the respective origin which are able to cover the corresponding areas. A flexible approach and additional support by other partners facilitated the research and balanced the work done.


How we created this document:

In order to collect and create the content of this document, a desk research was conducted which covered the whole Europe. A functional approach has been developed towards this goal. Thus, the European Union has been divided in five coherent geographic areas: North, South, West, East and Central. Besides other characteristics, this was one of the criteria to build the partnership as there are partner organisations of the respective origin which are able to cover the corresponding areas. A flexible approach and additional support by other partners facilitated the research and balanced the work done.


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